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Title: Bias in the Distribution Of Primes
Authors: Malik, Nishant
Paranjape, K.H.
Keywords: Mathematics
Issue Date: 13-Jul-2017
Publisher: IISERM
Abstract: Any model based on the randomness of primes would strongly suggest that every residual class a(mod q) must contain roughly the same number of primes for (a; q) = 1. But despite the obviously seeming flow of logic, the above is inaccurate as a bias is obsereved in the distribution of primes when taken from different residual classes. A bias also exists in the disribution of prime pairs of form (p; p + 2k) where k 2 N. This report is a humble attempt to discover these biases and provide conjuctural explaination of such phenomenons.
Appears in Collections:MS-10

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